Times subject to change

Workshops are an additional charge of $10 per course

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Clinical Dental Hygiene
WORKSHOP: The Hygienist Made Me Bleed! Managing and Preventing Gingivitis

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

WORKSHOP: Be kind to your spine – Why musculoskeletal health is key to preventing burnout

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

Instrument Ergonomics
WORKSHOP: Reduce the Kinks - Ergonomic Solutions for a Healthy Practice”

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

Preventive Dentistry
WORKSHOP: Stop the watch! What are you watching and waiting for?

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP: Light up your approach to patient care: Laser procedures for the Dental Hygienist

CEU Credits: 3

Commercially Supported by: 

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Practice Management
WORKSHOP: Touchdowns or Turnovers? A Playbook for a Winning Dental Team with Dr. Barry Bartusiak & Dr. Kelly Tanner

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
WORKSHOP: Geriatric Oral Care Certification for Long-term care patients

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

WORKSHOP: Oral Cancer Screening Workshop: It’s More Than Grasping the Tongue

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

Oral Systemic Health
WORKSHOP: Educating, Engaging and Energizing Patients: Oral Health Scanning Workshop

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
WORKSHOP: Details Coming Soon

CEU Credits: 2

Commercially Supported by: 

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP: Laser FUNdamentals! Lighting up your Hygiene Protocols

CEU Credits: 3

Commercially Supported by: